Contact Us
You can reach us during regular business hours by phone, e-mail or patient portal.
Phone: 610-746-1860
Fax: 484-403-4056
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 911 or go you your closest Emergency Room for immediate assistance.
Email is only for non-medical questions. This email is not HIPPA compliant. The patient portal below is best for questions regarding medical issues.
Any e-mails received after hours will be answered the next business day.
Communicating via e-mail is not for emergency purposes. In the event of an emergency, please call our office directly, or go to the nearest emergency room or call 911.
Patient Portal
NextGen Patient Portal - when you receive an invitation, or any updates to the patient portal, you will receive an email alert coming from noreply@nextgen and it will say :
"New message from Medical Associates of the Lehigh Valley".
**If you have not been set up for the portal, you may call the office so we can update your email address and send you an invite.
After you create your account, you will receive an e-mail from us that includes your user ID and a link back to our patient portal.
If you have not signed in to the portal for a long time you may have to reset your password. If help is needed you may call our office or the patient portal line at
You may pay bills via the portal. You will need your current invoice that you received in the mail and enter the amount on the portal under "Pay Bills".
We encourage all of our patients to create access to the patient portal. You will be able to communicate with our office easily and we will be able to send lab results, letters and other coorespondences securely.